This and That
I have survived a very intense tax season and can now return to stocks.
Here’s a few random news items and links of interest:
- Tax havens explained: How the rich hide money – an interactive guide to offshore tax havens. Hope to need this one day, ha!
- Dividend Detective – recently rediscovered this website. A lot of the lists are available for free. With some elbow grease and charting, great picks can be found.
- – I was very reluctant to share this, it’s such an awesome website, lol. Every market-related statistic you may wish to see, all inflation-adjusted since 1880’s to present. On paper everything is really pretty bad and getting worse – S&P dividend yield, US Real GDP, US Median Income Growth, US Income Per Capita… S&P Earnings are rising though, hmmm. Could it be due to the accounting changes? A lot can be done with that, you know… And apparently inflation is at 0% now. If true, then why are the banks now offering 1.35% to 1.55% on term deposits, GIC’s and other savings accounts?
- Google Reader will be shut down on July 1, 2013. What are you switching to?