Stop Bill C-51
Proposed by the conservative government this bill will severely restrict natural products, and heavily favours pharmaceutical drugs.
Even if you’re personally not interested in taking vitamins/supplements, please recognize this as a personal freedom-limiting law and protest. You don’t have to be a Canadian to sign the petition.
Does this seem reasonable to you?
Canada’s Police State Bill C51 Camouflaged as a Health Bill
Under Bill C-51 the State could:
- Enter private property without a warrant
- Take your property at their discretion
- Dispose of your property at will
- Not reimburse you for your losses
- Seize your bank accounts without a warrant
- Charge owners shipping and storage charges for seized property
- Store your property indefinitely
- Levy fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or seek 2 years in jail per charge
- Will not have to report seizures to a court.
- They can charge you just for talking about or promoting natural alternatives
This seems to be a worldwide phenomena. Australia & New Zealand have already passed similar legislation requiring viatamin/mineral/phytotherapeutic medicines to pass to prescription under General Practitioners control.
The allopathic model has always had “control” issues.
Unfortunately, government seems intent on passing laws that will grant a cartels power to them. This will not be a positive for the consumer in the longer term.
jog on
this is not their first attempt in Canada.
2 years ago they tried to pass Codex Alimentarius here (similar to what had been accepted in Europe in the early 2000’s). 3 million signatures were collected against that bill at the time, and it was ‘killed’ (3 million is about one in every 10 Canadians!). That gives me hope that people aren’t totally powerless.
Governments have been grabbing too much control over personal freedoms, I’m getting sick and tired of it. May have to move to the jungle one of these days.
Governments always want control, it’s the human condition after all.
It’s very difficult for them to sit back and do nothing, when nothing is all that is required.
jog on
I’m not naive and understand the motivation behind all this (money), plus they have to look like they’re doing something.
It’s interesting that you said “consumers”, not people 🙂
I have a very low opinion of the human race, parasites comes to mind.
jog on
I find that most people who prefer cats are like that. Dog people usually seem to like other people 🙂
Edit: There I go about cats again, it’s just i’ve been looking at cat pictures on my break, so it’s on my mind.
How bizzare.
Of course I like dogs also. The two farm working dogs always stop by for their treats.
jog on