SPX S&P 500, Stock Market

$$ $SPY $DIA Market Internals, Charts

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$BKX, Bank Index

This is in a very ugly territory. It hasn’t been this bad since the start of the 2008-09 “event”.

$BPNYA, NYSE Bullish Percent Index

Crazy sharp drop. Once again, hasn’t been this bad since ’08-09.

$BPSPX, S&P 500 Bullish Percent Index

Same as above

$NYSI, NYSE Summation Index

It’s in the negative territory (dotted line), but I’m most interested here in how it correlates to market prices. It’s pretty good for showing direction but not the size of the move.

$VIX, Volatility Index

An obvious inverse relationship here.

Looks very choppy, sort of a deciding moment.

I think most of these indicate there will be 4-12 weeks of basing action and a continuation of the bull market, but wouldn’t bet real money on it.