Quick Update Re: SLW
I’m holding all of my SLW. It’s in a tax-free account, which means that while my profits don’t get taxed, I don’t get to write off the losses either. The plan is to hold until it’s all profitable, and I believe it will be at some point in the future.
I admit it was dumb not to sell at such an obvious top, but I just wasn’t paying it due attention.
Etes-vous sûr que l’argent est tout simplement de corriger et non pas, comme beaucoup le croient, à un sommet de génération?
jog on
Qui a dit cela? Je ne lis pas les blogs, sauf le votre et SMT 🙂
Non, je ne crois pas que c’est la fin. Je vais essayer d’expliquer pourquoi dans un blog.
Pas une seule personne, il semble y avoir un consensus plus que tout.
Essentially, the inflation trade, which is predicated on the QE programmes, is the driving force behind Silver and the other commodities, possibly not so much some of the agriculture trades, that has a slightly different driver.
Therefore unless Bernanke institutes QE3, the inflation trades are going to slow, eventually once again reflecting industrial uses for the commodity. With China slowing, all manner of commodities are affected.
But basically, absent Federal Reserve interference, where will the inflation originate from. The US deficits are key: if they monetize, whether it be called QE or anything, Silver is back on. If however they can’t [for a number of potential reasons] and have to sell the debt, interest rates rise and markets fall.
jog on
Incidentally, there are rumors [always lots of rumors] that many foreign silver mines will be nationalised. Heard anything on that?
jog on
Comment peuvent-ils abandonner la politique inflationniste pour le moment? “Debt ceiling” is due to be raised again, is it not?
la rumeur il y a toujours.
I think in that space – hard to define the “space” as SLW is in a pretty unique position – but regardless, in that space, SLW is in a more secure state than most, and especially than miners (j’avoue, je suis très attaché à l’idée.) Their expenses are fixed, most contracts are long-term…
Another potential concern – miners could break the contracts. If silver goes high enough, they may have incentive to do that, despite the penalties.
Grâce à la vente des Obligations sur le marché plutôt que la Réserve fédérale. Cela augmentera le taux d’intérêt du marché qu’ils [le gouvernement] doit payer. À un certain point, ces paiements d’intérêt plus élevés vigueur des réductions de dépenses.
Le plus évident étant tirant les forces armées de l’Irak et l’Afghanistan
I don’t know too much with regard to SLW, I might take a squizzy.
jog on
et je ne connais pas trop la mécanique des obligations.
Silver looks like it’s basing at support.