Ogden Nash [A Quote]
People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up.
Ogden Nash, American humorist and poet
People who work sitting down get paid more than people who work standing up.
Ogden Nash, American humorist and poet
How about those NBA chaps?
jog on
in Mr. Nash’s times they probably didn’t get paid as much as today.
Frederic Ogden Nash (August 19, 1902 – May 19, 1971)
How about those chaps that stood on the trading floors?
jog on
Ok 🙂 An exception to the rule, perhaps? Can you think of some other ones?
How about those chaps who stand up in Court and ask you all manner of impertinent questions about what you were up to on April 3 1994?
jog on
Oh no, those mostly sit while preparing to stand.
If they remain seated, they don’t get paid. If they screw up when they stand, someone always pays.
jog on
In most cases, the total number of hours spent sitting is higher than the amount of time they spend standing up.
They get paid for sitting down, while preparing the cases. Or for having their secretaries and assistants sit while doing the same.
Most charge by the hour.
Those that get paid based on the results of their argument… well, we can argue till the cows come home. They still spend a lot of time getting ready to argue, *sitting down* 🙂
So far we’ve got exchange floor traders, lawyers and athletes.
The quote still applies to the majority. Do you disagree with the quote?
Note, the guy was a humorist, so it was most likely said to elicit a quick laugh 🙂