How to Fix All Global Problems
Reading these figures, I can’t help but think that it’s “each man for himself” in this world.
All figures are for one year:
- Basic education for all the people in the world would cost $6 BILLION
- Installation of water and sanitation for all would cost $9 BILLION
- Basic health care and nutrition would cost $13 BILLION
Total: $40 Billion annually
- $8 BILLION is spent annually for cosmetics in the United States alone
- $11 BILLION is spent annually on ice cream in Europe
- $12 BILLION a year is spent on perfumes in Europe and the U.S
- $17 BILLION a year is spent on pet food in Europe and the U.S
- $35 BILLION is spent on business entertainment in Japan
- $50 BILLION on cigarettes in Europe
- $105 BILLION on alcoholic drinks in Europe
- $400 BILLION on narcotic drugs around the world
- And finally, in ONE year alone $780 BILLION is spent on firearms and munitions (I suspect this number is now higher)
(This, right here, is a list of economic sectors to invest in if you’re inclined to do so.)
Six billion dollars to educate the world. Less than a dollar per person per year. What a bargain.
Yes, a total bargain. Less than what’s spent on cosmetics, can you imagine?
I always had my doubts about charity, but now even more so.