Holiday Gift Giving
It’s that time of year again,… time to pull the hair out trying to find just the right gifts for my clients, and to sign cards with meaningful messages. In my search for gift ideas I came across this essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson (yep, lived and died in 1800’s), called “Gifts”. The very first sentence amazed me in a way we’re usually surprised to find that people in the past had lived through, and felt similar things as we are:
It is said that the world is in a state of bankruptcy, that the world owes the world more than the world can pay, and ought to go into chancery, and be sold.
Everything happens in cycles within cycles, and humanity keeps on ticking. We keep on living. That is my gift to you for the holidays 🙂 – hope that no matter how crazy things seem right now, know that you will prevail.
~ Happy Holidays ~
P.S. Still accepting suggestions for business gift ideas