Stock Market

10 Major Sectors of the Economy

You can invest to either maximize profits (by concentrating, my current strategy) or preserve your wealth (by diversifying).

A well-diversified portfolio should include exposure to all 10 major sectors of the economy:

  • Oil & Gas – Oil & Gas Producers; Oil Equipment, Services & Distribution
  • Basic Materials – Chemicals, Basic Resources (Forestry & Paper, Industrial Metals, Mining)
  • Industrials – Construction & Materials; Industrial Goods & Services
  • Consumer Goods – Automobiles & Parts; Food & Beverage; Personal & Household Goods (Household Goods, Leisure Goods, Personal Goods, Tobacco)
  • Health Care – Health Care Equipment & Services; Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology
  • Consumer Services – Retail; Media; Travel & Leisure
  • Telecommunications – fixed and mobile
  • Utilities – Electricity; Gas, Water & Multiutilities
  • Financials – Banks; Insurance; Financial Services
  • Technology – Software & Computer Services; Technology Hardware & Equipment