Long-Term Investing

Must… hold off… on investing

My hands are itching, I’m so ready to invest! I want to bask in the glow of stock market fortunes ๐Ÿ™‚

I transferred some cash into our TD Waterhouse account, but reason says I must wait. I still have a lot to read and understand. My little foray into the stock market didn’t completely flop, but didn’t dazzle me either, I’ll consider it a cheap mistake. It turns out that I accidentally picked 3 out of 4 dividend-paying stocks, which is a good start! But this time I’m being more cautious.

Also, it doesn’t look like the stock market is done falling yet. I like this guy’s advice:

“…And third, I’d start slowly building a long-term cash position so that in the months after any train wreck in these markets you’ll have the cash to pick up some bargains. Call it your Rothschild fund after the great 19th-century banker who advised, “Buy when there’s blood in the streets.”

Full post here: Market Talk with Jim Jubak