Looking at Owens-Illinois, Inc., [[OI]] I accidentally found a discrepancy in what MSN Money and Yahoo Finance reported. After looking at several other stocks, it appears that MSN Money rounds numbers quite a bit. But this still doesn’t explain this funny P/E ratio calculation: Click to enlarge 

There are many P/E ratios, past, present, and future [projected]. Just depends which one you want to use.
P/E ttm [trailing twelve months] has historical earnings. Projected earnings might well be lower, which would account for the higher P/E.
jog on
In this case however [having just checked] relates to the actual earnings themselves.
MSN report Earnings + Extraordinary Items = Total $1340.6
Yahoo report Earnings excluding EI = Total $231.3
Obviously, such a large difference in reported earnings plays havoc with a P/E ratio.
jog on
MSN is showing plain P/E (whatever that is) and Forward P/E, see screenshot above.
Neither of these P/E values match what Yahoo is showing, however EPS is very similar at both web sties, almost the same. I have to say that MSN’s calculations while may be correct, are confusing.
Weirder and weirder 🙂
Well then which web site is more reliable? I guess the company’s web site and statements are the best bet.