Chase Bank, White Powder Letters
Can’t figure it out yet, but something’s up. Let’s watch and see. I don’t think this is for real, more like a pretext for something. Oh, and just in case, let’s watch [[JPM]].
Source: Associated Press
Powder-laced letters sent to banks in 9 cities
By LARA JAKES JORDAN – 1 hour agoWASHINGTON (AP) — More than 30 letters containing a suspicious powder were mailed to Chase bank branches and federal banking regulators’ offices in nine cities, authorities said Tuesday in what was being investigated as a first, if extreme, public backlash over the nation’s financial crisis.
Na… Some Crazy Militant, separatist Libertarian tinfoil hat Ammo in the bunker guy, Mailed them off because of the bail out…. Maybe it’s misch. Funny they should have sent it to “The big Ten” that got the cash.
but I bet he just got refused for a Hummer loan from chase…. and not the cheep kind of hummer…. or not the cheep kind that doesn’t involve the ever expensive wife, at resolution.
I didn’t mean it’s anthrax for real. But it’s never just a regular nutjob (my tinfoil opinion). It’s a diversion of some sort, but to what end?
Glad to see you’re back. Why were you in hiding?
Things are just quiet. … it’s always some regular Unibomber nutjob, either someone with voices. or Someone who Thinks the world is Unfair and it’s time to get back at them….
“Steal tens of thousands of people’s money and not expect reprercussions (sic). It’s payback time. What you just breathed in will kill you within 10 days. Thank (redacted) and the FDIC for your demise.”