September 16th Trades
- Covered [[MER]] @ $17.40 in pre-market. Yesss, instead of the $1,200 loss I expected, I have $22 profit ๐ and one gray hair. It wasn’t so much the amount, but the entire Sunday/Monday night. It’s the unknown that bothered me!
- Covered half [[JCP]]. Looks like they’re pinning it at $40 for op-ex. It’s getting boring.
- [[AUY]] is behaving, so I may add some more in the morning. It’s going to at least fill that gap, at least.
- Traded [[SKF]], of course. I was watching it live during the crazy moment when the Fed’s decision became known. It felt historic in a weird way, not that they’ll be writing books about it.
Check out the SKF chart, insane action all day long. It was difficult to trade at times, but very entertaining. I’m short 200 shares at $112.38, so hopefully it drops like a rock in the morning. In any case, it shouldn’t be much above $115 for the op-ex if you believe the max pain numbers.
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